July 30, 2011

In My Mailbox #2!

Hello again!  More catching up here!  I won these two books a few weeks ago at Lady and the Books blog.  Yay! I can't wait to read them!

Here is a random quote from Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough

"Uncle Morris materializes in the kitchen and we all jump except for my mother, who seems to have regained her composure.  She stands swiftly and tucks her hair behind her ears, a useless motion as it just springs out again in, all its corkscrew-curled glory." Page 206

The Iron Witch by Karen MaHoney
Here is a random quote from this book:
"Tears pricked her eyes. "How can I possibly see something as beautiful when, every time I look at them...every single time...they remind me of what I've lost."

I am really looking forward to reading these two books!


  1. Very nice haul. Love seeing what people got. Come visit me and see what I got this week.

  2. I'd like to read the Iron Witch, but I think I need to hold off on buying it for a while as my TBR list is painful at the moment. Hope you enjoy it!


July 30, 2011

In My Mailbox #2!

Hello again!  More catching up here!  I won these two books a few weeks ago at Lady and the Books blog.  Yay! I can't wait to read them!

Here is a random quote from Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough

"Uncle Morris materializes in the kitchen and we all jump except for my mother, who seems to have regained her composure.  She stands swiftly and tucks her hair behind her ears, a useless motion as it just springs out again in, all its corkscrew-curled glory." Page 206

The Iron Witch by Karen MaHoney
Here is a random quote from this book:
"Tears pricked her eyes. "How can I possibly see something as beautiful when, every time I look at them...every single time...they remind me of what I've lost."

I am really looking forward to reading these two books!


  1. Very nice haul. Love seeing what people got. Come visit me and see what I got this week.

  2. I'd like to read the Iron Witch, but I think I need to hold off on buying it for a while as my TBR list is painful at the moment. Hope you enjoy it!
